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Organic Sunflower Seeds (hulled)

Botanical name: Helianthus annuus

The colourful and joyful sunflower is known around the world for its natural beautifying of the countryside. This amazing plant can often grow to 6 metres tall, with its flower diameter as large as 75 centimetres. The seed-studded centre produces an attractive grey/green or black shelled seeds with black or white stripes.

Within the seeds, lies the kernel, which is a white fleshy, edible component that has a mild nutty taste. Oil can be extracted from these kernels and comprises a dominant combination of monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA) fats. The oil is light in flavour and colour and provides high quantities of Vitamin E.


Sizes: 1kg / 25kg

Minimum order: 10x1kg / 1x25kg



Organic Sunflower Seeds (hulled)

Botanical name: Helianthus annuus

The colourful and joyful sunflower is known around the world for its natural beautifying of the countryside. This amazing plant can often grow to 6 metres tall, with its flower diameter as large as 75 centimetres. The seed-studded centre produces an attractive grey/green or black shelled seeds with black or white stripes.

Within the seeds, lies the kernel, which is a white fleshy, edible component that has a mild nutty taste. Oil can be extracted from these kernels and comprises a dominant combination of monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA) fats. The oil is light in flavour and colour and provides high quantities of Vitamin E.

Sunflowers are predominantly grown in Russia, Spain, Argentina, France, China, Peru, and the United States.

Health & Nutrition
Sunflower kernels provide a wonderful source of protein, vitamin E, magnesium, selenium, vitamins B1 (thiamine), B5 (pantothenic acid), and B6 (pyridoxine), phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc, folic acid, and fibre. Sunflower kernels can be used as a food for internal digestion, or as a skin food in oil form.

  • Sunflower kernels are rich in vitamin E, which is a vital component of our nutritional needs. Vitamin E is synthesised by the body to work as an anti-oxidant to prevent the proliferation of free radicals, and thus in turn protect cells, preventing cellular malfunction. Vitamin E also supports blood clotting which increases the healing process of wounds.
  • Sunflower kernels provide good doses of dietary fibre. Fibre is an essential need of the digestive system in that it helps prevent constipation, piles, haemorrhoids, colon cancer. Inadequate functioning of the digestive system can lead to food fermenting in the body and creating toxicity within the intestines. Sunflower kernels can be eaten easily throughout the day, thus ensuring an adequate supply of fibre is obtained.
  • The micro minerals present in sunflower kernels support a variety of functions: iron helps to distribute oxygen to muscles; zinc strengthens our immune system; magnesium is essential for strong bones, energy production and helps lower blood pressure.
  • Sunflower kernels also contain high levels of tryptophan, which supports stable mood patterns, due to the production of serotonin.
  • Sunflower kernels are abundant in folic acid (vitamin B9, also known as Folate). Folate is excellent during pregnancy, as it supports the production of new cell development, in turn promoting the replication of DNA, a critical function during the growth and development stage of the foetus.


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